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Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Reports from Open Repositories 2013 and IASSIST2013

Two UW Libraries Data Services Team members were able to attend recent conferences related to data services: Open Repositories 2013, and the International Association for Social Science Information Services and Technology 2013. 

OR2013 was held on Prince Edward Island from July 8th-11th. Stephanie Wright attended two workshops looking at the future of institutional repositories and how institutional repositories deal with data. Plenaries by Victoria Stodden and Jean-Claude Guedon were inspiring and both were focused (in different ways) on research reproducibility and scholarly communications and altmetrics.  The tweets were flowing so if you'd like to read the thoughts of attendees, check out the Twitter hashtag #OR2013, or you can check out the summarized version on Storify, and a summary of the conference from an IASSIST perspective at

Jennifer Muilenburg attended IASSIST2013 in Cologne, Germany, from May 28-31. Presentations included several on training researchers on research data management, different approaches to institutional repositories, issues around data collection in university libraries, access to restricted data, and lots more. A brief summary of the conference can be found here: Due to spotty wifi, the tweets were lacking, but some of what made it through includes links to presentations.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Upcoming Conferences and Sessions and Workshops, Oh My!

Since beginning to follow groups and conferences relevant to data management issues for information professionals in November 2012, I've known that there is always something upcoming in the not-too-distant future that looks fascinating and informative. There is a panoply happening right now, though, that could have us all booked out of the office for the bulk of 2013 (given inexhaustible travel budgets, that is). Here are a few upcoming events that have caught my eye:

  • Happening right now is Open Repositories 2013 (#or2013) in Prince Edward Island, CA, July 8-12. I've been following the twitter feed via the hashtag and Storify; lots of interesting talk going on around data policies, data curation methods and technologies, the research lifecycle...
  • The University of East London has been training various types of staff on research data management over the last year. They're summarizing some of their work at a daylong workshop, "Support for support: training those in RDM support roles," July 16, London, UK. I'm currently working my way through some of UEL's online curriculum offerings for librarians, and very much wish I could be there for this session.
  • For those interested in the metadata side of scientific data, Camp-4-Data in Lisbon, Portugal, on September 6, will be exploring many facets of metadata standards used to manage scientific data. This is being held just before iPres, the 10th International Conference on the Preservation of Digital Objects, and DCMI, the International Conference on Dublin Core and Metadata Applications. Head in a whirl yet?
  • The HathiTrust Research Center UnCamp 2013, September 8-9, Urbana, IL, is targeted to digital humanities tool developers, researchers and librarians of HathiTrust institutions, and will include hands-on coding and demonstration, use cases, and community building in an un-conference programmming format. Register early to help form the program.
  • Data Information Literacy Symposium, West Lafayette, IN, September 23-24. This workshop will "explore roles for practicing librarians in teaching competencies in data management and curation to graduate students." Registration for this is currently full, but following via twitter should be interesting.
  • The Digital Humanities Data Curation Workshop is being held in College Park, MD, October 16-18. Their resource guide is a great place to start if you can't attend one of their workshops.
  • The 2013 Digital Library Foundation Forum, November 4-6 in Austin, TX. Proposed sessions include one on using a CRM tool to track data management services in an academic library, one on the influence of faculty rank on attitudes toward research data management, several presentations on encouraging better and more specific use of metadata, fostering a culture of data sharing among researchers, data management education for librarians and researchers...

I'm sure there are others out there that I missed; if you have a suggestion, please add it in the comments below.