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Average travel time to work by 2010 Census Tract |
Want to track the median sale price of residential homes in the U.S. by census tract? Map how far away given neighborhoods are to the closest high-performing public school? Upload your own geocoded dataset to quickly view the data on an interactive map? PolicyMap, the UW Libraries’ newest data mapping tool, lets you do all of that and much, much more!
PolicyMap features US data on topics that will be of interest to a broad cross-section of disciplines, including demographic, real estate, health, education, lending, and quality of life data. You can view and download (as a .csv file) data in a number of different geographies (county, zip code, city, state, etc.), including down to the census block group level for some datasets. PolicyMap will also let the UW community upload and map geocoded data in .csv format to the platform and share their data/maps with the rest of the UW community. If you have questions or feedback, please contact UW Geography Librarian Kian Flynn.